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Foxit Phantompdf Mac

  • Insert Pages
  • Extract, Duplicate, and Replace Pages

Edit PDF, Sign PDF files, Convert PDF, and Organize PDF. Fill PDF forms, annotate PDF and protect PDF online. It works on all Windows, Mac and Linux device. It is easy to use.

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Foxit PhantomPDF Mac comes with a built in functionality to insert PDF files & split one PDF into various small single & multiple page PDF files according to page numbers as well as page range. You can also rearrange pages, add page marks (such as header & footer) to PDFs, and more. During page organization, pages can be displayed in Thumbnail View mode (in which all the panels are hidden) or Page View mode (in which the Pages panel is opened). Clicking Thumbnail View button in the Organize tab helps you switch between Thumbnail View mode and Page View mode. For both view modes, you can use the page organization commands in the Organize tab or the options in the context menu to organize pages. For Thumbnail View mode, you can additionally find the floating buttons to rearrange pages when you mouse over a page thumbnail. Hp smart for apple.

Insert Pages

Foxit PhantomPDF Mac https://truejfil571.weebly.com/cheatsheet-1-3-2-0.html. enables you to insert pages from files (either from a page range or the entire file), clipboard, and a blank page.

Insert Pages from Files

Foxit PhantomPDF Mac allows you to insert pages into a PDF file from one or more PDF files, text files, or images files. When inserting pages from text files or image files, Foxit PhantomPDF Mac will convert them to PDFs automatically.

Insert Pages by Drag-and-Drop

Directly drag and drop the file that you want to insert into the Pages panel or Thumbnail window, and then all the pages from the file will be inserted into your current PDF file.

Insert Pages by Commands or Options

Alternatively, you can use the commands in the Organize tab or options from the context menu to insert pages. In this workflow, you can also specify the page range that you want to insert, if necessary.

  • Click Organize.
  • Choose one of the following methods:
    • Click Insert in the Organize tab, and choose From File.
    • Right-click a page thumbnail in the Pages panel or Thumbnail window, and choose Insert Pages > From File.
    • (Available in Thumbnail View) Move your mouse over the blank area before or after a page thumbnail, and you will find the Insert icon . Click the Insert icon , and select From File.
  • In the pop-up dialog box, select the file type from the Options drop-down list, select the file(s) that you want to insert into the target document, and click Open.
  • In the Insert Page From dialog box, do the following:
    • Click Add Files to add more files, if necessary.
    • If you add multiple files, you can reorder the file to be shown in the combined PDF by clicking the Move Up or Move Down button.
    • Specify where you want to insert the file, and the page range of the file that you want to insert.
    • Click OK.

Insert Pages from Clipboard

  • Click Organize.
  • Choose one of the following methods:
    • Click Insert in the Organize tab, and chooseFrom Clipboard.
    • Right-click a page thumbnail in the Pages panel or Thumbnail window, and choose Insert Pages > From Clipboard.
    • (Available in Thumbnail View) Move your mouse over the blank area before or after a page thumbnail, and you will find the Insert icon. To insert a new page before an existing page, click the Insert iconbefore the thumbnail of the existing page, and choose From Clipboard. New pages can be added after an existing page in the similar manner, by clicking the Insert icon after the thumbnail.
  • (Optional) If you choose Insert > From Clipboard in the Organize tab or Insert Pages >From Clipboard from the context menu, specify the destination you want to insert pages, and click OK in the pop-up From clipboard dialog box.

Insert Pages from a Blank Page

  • Click Organize.
  • Choose one of the following methods:
    • Click Insert in the Organize tab, and choose Blank Page.
    • Right-click a page thumbnail in the Pages panel or Thumbnail window, and choose Insert Pages > Blank Page.
    • (Available in Thumbnail View) Move your mouse over the blank area before or after a page thumbnail, and you will find the Insert icon. To insert a blank page before an existing page, click the Insert iconbefore the thumbnail of the existing page, and choose Blank Page. New blank pages can be added after an existing page in the similar manner, by clicking the Insert iconafter the thumbnail.
  • (Optional) If you choose Insert > Blank Page in the Organize tab or Insert Pages > Blank Page from the context menu, specify the destination you want to insert pages, and click OK in the pop-up Insert Blank Pages dialog box.

Rotate, Move, and Delete Pages

Rotate Pages

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  • Click Organize.
  • Do one of the following:
    • Select the page that you want to rotate, and click Rotate Pages > Left or Right in the Organize tab to rotate it clockwise or counterclockwise.
    • Right-click a page thumbnail in the Pages panel or Thumbnail window, and choose Rotate Pages > Left or Right.
    • (Available in Thumbnail View) Move your mouse over the page which you want to rotate, and click or floating on the page thumbnail to rotate the page counterclockwise or clockwise.


1. Press Command/Shift + click to select multiple page thumbnails at one time. If you want to select all the page thumbnails, select a single page thumbnail first, and then press Command + A.

2. The rotate buttons floating over a page thumbnail are available in Thumbnail View when you only select a single page thumbnail.

Move Pages

  • Click Organize.
  • Do any of the following:
    • Select the pages that you want to move in the Pages panel or Thumbnail window, and drag the page thumbnail(s) to the desired location.
    • Click Move in the Organize tab, or right-click any page thumbnail in the Pages panel or Thumbnail window and choose Move Pages. Then in the Move Pages dialog box, specify the page range and destination. If you want to preview the page, check the Show Preview option. When confirmed, click OK.

Delete Pages

  • Click Organize.
  • Do one of the following:
    • Select the pages that you want to delete in the Pages panel, press the Delete key, and confirm your operation.
    • Click Delete in the Organize tab, or right-click any page thumbnail in the Pages panel or Thumbnail windowand choose Delete Pages.Then in the Delete Pages dialog box, specify the page range and subset, and click OK to continue. Confirm your operation when you get the prompt message to delete the specified pages.
    • Tip: To delete even or odd pages, the page range should include both one even page and one odd page at least.

    • (Available in Thumbnail View) Move your mouse over a page that you want to delete, click floating on the page thumbnail, and then confirm your operation.
    • Tip: The delete button floating over a page thumbnail is available in Thumbnail View when you only select a single page thumbnail.

Extract, Duplicate, and Replace Pages

Extract Pages

Extraction is the process of reusing selected pages of one PDF in a different PDF.

For a quick page extraction with default settings, you can select the page thumbnails in the Pages panel, and drag and drop them out of Foxit PhantomPDF Mac interface. External hard drive for mac not mounting. Then the selected pages will be extracted as a new PDF file and saved in your local device.

Foxit phantompdf mac

To extract pages and specify settings, please follow the steps below:

  • Click Organize > Extract, or right-click a page thumbnail in the Pages panel or Thumbnail window and choose Extract Pages.
  • In the Extract Pages dialog box, do the following:
    • Specify the page range to be extracted. To extract even or odd pages, the page range should include both one even page and one odd page at least.
    • Choose a type of Extract Mode:
      • Extract pages as one PDF: Save all the extracted pages into one new PDF file.
      • Extract each page as a PDF: Create a single-page PDF for each extracted page.
    • Select one of the options:
      • Immediately save extracted pages: Save the extracted pages into a new PDF file after you click OK. If this item is not checked, a new PDF that includes the extracted pages will be opened without being saved. You will have to save it manually. This option is not available when you choose to extract each page as a PDF.
      • Delete the pages after extraction: Delete the selected pages from the original document after extraction.
    • Click OK.
    • (Optional) If you choose to immediately save the extracted pages, specify the file name and location to save the extracted pages in the pop-up Save dialog box, and click Save to save it.

Duplicate Pages

The Duplicate Pages feature allows you to copy pages within a PDF document.

  • Click Organize > Duplicate, or right-click a page thumbnail in the Pages panel or Thumbnail window and choose Duplicate Pages.
  • In the Duplicate Pages dialog box, specify the page, destination and count of copies that you want to duplicate, and click OK.

Replace Pages

You can replace an entire PDF page with another PDF page.

  • Click Organize > Replace, or right-click a page thumbnail in the Pages panel or Thumbnail window and choose Replace Pages.
  • Select the PDF document containing the replacement pages, and click Open.
  • In the pop-up Replace Pages dialog box, do the following:
    • In the Original group, specify the page range to be replaced in the original document.
    • In the Replacement group: Specify the replacement page range. You can also click Browse to change the selected file.
    • Click OK.

Split PDFs into Multiple Files

The Split Document feature is a process of splitting one or more documents into multiple smaller-size documents.

  • Click Organize > Split, or right-click a page thumbnail in the Pages panel or Thumbnail window and choose Split Document.
  • In the pop-up Split Document dialog box, do the following:
    • Select one of the criteria to split document from the Split document by drop-down list:
      • Number of pages: Specify the maximum number of pages for each document in the split.
      • File Size: Specify the maximum file size for each document in the split.
      • Page Range: Split the document based on the page range you specified. Please input consecutive numbers only, and use a comma to separate multiple page ranges.
      • Top-Level Bookmarks: Create one document for every top-level bookmark if the document contains bookmarks.
      • Blank Page: Split the document each time a blank page is encountered. Blank pages will be discarded when splitting.
    • Click Output options to specify the storage location, file names, etc.
    • (Optional) Click Select More Files to split more files using the splitting setting in the step above.
    • Click OK.

Manage Headers and Footers

Foxit Phantom

Foxit PhantomPDF Mac allows you to add and update headers and footers which include dates, page numbers or custom text throughout a PDF file.

Add Headers and Footers

  • Click Organize > Header & Footer > Add.
  • In the Add Headers and Footers dialog box, do the following:
    • Specify the font, font size, and margin values, if necessary.
    • Click Appearance Options to specify the appearance settings:
      • To prevent overlapping, check the Shrink document to avoid overwriting the document's text and graphics option.
      • To prevent resizing or repositioning when printing the PDF in large format, check the Keep position and size of header/footer text constant when printing on different page sizes option.
    • To add custom text in headers and footers, type the text in the header and footer text boxes.
    • To insert page number or the current date, do the following:
      • Click Page number and date format to select the formatting for automatic entries.
      • Click in the header or footer text box in which you want to add the page number or date.
      • Click Insert Page Number or Insert Date.
      • Click Page Range Options to specify the pages to add the headers and footers.
    • (Optional) If you want to save the header and footer settings for further use, click Save Settings. Once saved, the next time you add or update the header and footer, you can select a saved template from the Saved Settings list.
    • Check the results in the preview pane, and click OK to apply the settings.

Update Headers and Footers

  • Click Organize > Header & Footer > Update.
  • Change the settings as needed, and click OK to apply the settings.

Remove All Headers and Footers

  • Click Organize > Header & Footer > Remove All.
  • Click Yes in the pop-up message to confirm your operation.

Manage Background

Foxit PhantomPDF Mac allows users to custom a color or image as the background of a PDF file.

Add a New Background to PDF

  • Click Organize > Background > Add.
  • Specify the background with the following steps:
    • To apply a solid color background, check the From color option in the Source group, and then click the color palette to choose a color or custom your own color.
    • To use an image or PDF file as the background, check the File option in the Source group, and click Browse to choose a file from your local disk. If you choose a file with more than one page, define the specific page to be used as the background in the Page Number option.
  • Adjust the appearance and position of the background, and specify the page range to apply the background.
  • (Optional) Click Save Settings to save your current background settings as a template for future use. Once saved, you can select the template from the Saved Settings drop-down list when you try to add or update the background next time.
  • Click OK to apply the settings.

Update the Background

  • Click Organize > Background > Update.
  • Follow the steps in “Add a New Background to PDF” to update the background.
  • Click OK to apply the updated background.

Remove the Background

  • Click Organize > Background > Remove All.
  • Click Yes in the pop-up message to confirm your operation.

Manage Watermarks

Add Watermarks to PDF

With Foxit PhantomPDF Mac, you can add watermarks which can be custom text or image to a PDF file.

  • Click Organize > Watermark > Add.
  • Specify the watermark with the following steps:
    • To create a text watermark, check the Text option, and input your text in the box. Choose the font, size, and color to format the text as needed.
    • To use an image or PDF as a watermark, check the File option, and click Browse to select the file from your local disk. If you choose a file with more than one page, define the specific page to be used as the watermark in the Page Number option.
    • Adjust the position and appearance of the watermark, and specify the page range to apply the watermark.
    • (Optional) Click Save Settings to save your current watermark settings as a template for future use. Once saved, you can select the template from the Saved Settings drop-down list when you try to add or update the watermark next time.
  • Click OK to apply the settings.

Update the Watermark

  • Click Organize > Watermark > Update.
  • Follow the steps in 'Add Watermarks to PDF' to update the watermark.
  • Click OK to apply the updated watermark.

Remove the Watermark

  • Click Organize > Watermark > Remove All.
  • Click Yes in the pop-up message to confirm your operation.

Foxit Phantompdf Mac
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